The section below discusses some important elements of the tasks of the study:

■ What are Energy-related products as defined in the Ecodesign directive?

■ Why should stakeholders be involved?


What are Energy-related products?

Directive 2009/125/EC (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:285:0010:0035:en:PDF ) provides the following definition of energy-related products:

Article 2, item 1: "Energy-related product means any good that has an impact on energy consumption during use, which is placed on the market and/or put into service ...(including parts) ... of which the environmental performance can be assessed independently."


Why should stakeholders be involved?

The Commission is dedicated in giving stakeholders the opportunity to provide input to this study thereby creating a fully transparent and open process. This website is the main information exchange platform between the study-team, the Commission and the stakeholders.

All (draft) documents will be freely available through this website, but if you register as stakeholder you will receive notifications on website updates. Furthermore, as stakeholder, you can provide direct feedback to draft reports published on this website and make suggestions for energy-related products. Please note that your comments and suggestions may be made public on this website.

When most of the task reports are available a meeting with stakeholders will take place. The meeting date, venue and how to be invited to the meeting will be timely announced through this website.